Howdy !

Let's Rumble !

Scoring System:
Touchdown = 6 pts
Pass Yards
= .05 pts
Rush/Rec Yrds .10 pts
Extra Point
= 1 pt
Field Goal
= 3 pts

showdown.gif (13913 bytes)

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It has come to our attention that some Americans don't give a good jiminy-doodle about our nation's great history or government institutions. In a recent survey, it was found that while 59% of teen-agers could identify Moe, Larry, and Curly of the Three Stooges, only 41% could name the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the US government. This is especially distressing because it means a majority of citizens are missing out on the fact that many of our pretentious goofball government officials are much funnier than the Three Stooges ever were.  In order to do our small part in helping to alleviate this serious historical illiteracy problem, we present the Presidential Fantasy Showdown, where you can root for your favorite former commander-in-chief each week in a typically civil fantasy football confrontation. 
Click on the President for historical facts and this weeks picks: